eBay Local Journey Mapping

The Story

Buy online/pick-up in-store was a new feature to the world, and a handful of stores (such as Best Buy) began to introduce this service. eBay partnered with these stores and gave eBay users more power on how they’d like to receive a product - ship to home or pickup more quickly at their local store. Offering local pickup was uncharted territory for eBay and we wanted to make the experience as seamless as possible.

Since we knew little about this new shopping service, my researcher colleague, Beverly Freeman, and I conducted journey mapping research where we interviewed users about their in-store pickup shopping journey to better understand the highs/lows of the process. We also conducted an ideation workshop with our stakeholders using these journey maps as a catalyst to “make the journey better”.

Key Research Questions To Solve

  • What is the journey of In-Store-Pickup?

  • Where can eBay improve upon this experience?

Methods Used

Journey Mapping, Ideation workshops

We collected and shared stories of In-store-pickup. In this story, Mary needed to pickup a present on the way to a birthday party in San Francisco.

The article we wrote for QRCA views discussing our process of using Journey Mapping for Ideation. 

Why This Project Matters To Me

I find journey mapping fascinating in general and I am always curious to learn how to apply and use this tool effectively. What I really loved was how we took those journeys and used them as a catalyst for an ideation workshop. My colleague and I enjoyed the process and outcome so much, we wrote a paper on the topic which you can learn more about here.

Want to learn more about this research and its impact? Let’s chat!


eBay Now


Yahoo! Local Competitive Benchmarking