Chegg Chat Tutoring Service

The Story

When I joined the Chegg Tutors team, it operated under a “gig” economy model where Chegg simply connected students to tutors, placed them within a lesson space, and allowed them to communicate via audio, video, or chat. My goal was to help evolve our business and product to a completely chat-based tutoring platform that would allow tutors to work with more than one student at a time. This transformation allowed us to lower the cost of tutoring for students and in turn, make the business more profitable. 

Key Research Questions To Solve

  • What tools and capabilities are needed within the lesson space?

  • Can tutors effectively tutor more than one student at a time?

  • What factors contribute to allowing a tutor to increase the number of students they can work with?

Methods Used

Tutor Interviews, RITE (Rapid Iterative Test & Evaluation), Observational Research (Observing lessons), Quantitative Satisfaction Survey 

First iteration of the chat tutoring console. Center column is the chat with the ability to switch between students on the left and a scratch pad on the right.

5 important factors that impact a tutor’s ability to handle more students.

Observing the mobile experience in a coffee shop.

Why This Project Matters To Me

I loved this project because I could show directly how the insights from my research impacted the bottom line for Chegg. First, I developed a deeper understanding of how to make multiple tutoring more efficient. By making tutoring more efficient, tutors can work with more students, lowering the cost of tutoring for students and Chegg. Additionally, after we launched the product, I evaluated its success through a mixed-method approach of collecting satisfaction metrics and observing tutoring lessons. This approach allowed me to track key problems with our service, lead team discussions on addressing these issues, and ultimately increase our customer satisfaction metrics.

Want to learn more about this research and its impact? Let’s chat!


Chegg Ideation Workshops